
Showing posts from March, 2018

Episode 57 - An Experience in Cosmic Consciousness - Part 2

Paramahansa Yogananda expands upon his experience of cosmic consciousness and expresses it in his poem, "Samadhi." Taken from the 1946 edition of Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi .

Episode 56 - An Experience in Cosmic Consciousness - Part 1

Part One of Two - A realized yogi narrates his attainment of the highest state of consciousness - samadhi.

Episode 55 - How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin

One of the Just-So Stories Rudyard Kipling actually told his daughter at bedtime. It was later included with a number of others in the book of that title. They are called by this name because Kipling's firstborn daughter, Josephine ("Effie"), insisted that they be told exactly the same way every time, "just so," or she would correct her father.

Episode 54 - Learning & Play

The key to lifelong youth.