
Showing posts from January, 2018

Episode 49 - Kiss It Goodbye

A story from my childhood, when I played Little League and learned a lesson about an antidote to fear.

Episode 48 - Prometheus

The tale of the titan who first joined with Zeus to fight his fellow titans and then defied Zeus to bring fire to humankind.

Episode 47 - Laotze - Dao De Jing: Passages 10-18

The next set of nine passages of the Dao De Jing of Laotze. Translated by Bob Gonzalez. EPITOME presented passages 1-9, as well as an introduction to the work and its author, in episode 21.

Episode 46 - Time Sonnets I - Shakespeare

Six sonnets of William Shakespeare on the theme of Time. Sonnets 2, 12, 15, 16, 18, and 19.