The next set of nine passages of the Dao De Jing of Laotze. Translated by Bob Gonzalez. EPITOME presented passages 1-9, as well as an introduction to the work and its author, in episode 21.
The story sung by Demodocus, singer of the court of Alcinous, King of the Phaeacians, hosts of Odysseus after his raft washes ashore on the island of S cherie. How Aphrodite, goddess of love, cheated on her husband, Hephaestus, the gods' smithy, with Ares, god of war.
This gentle ancient Greek philosopher lived a life of celibacy and temperance and taught that reason was to be used to enable people to judge with certainty what is to be chosen, and what to be avoided, to preserve themselves free from pain, and to secure health of body, and tranquillity of mind.
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